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About us

Test centre on a mission

The NTCP is a not-for-profit organisation and the first independent test centre in Europe. In our facility in Heerenveen we conduct independent tests, challenging experiments, pragmatic and data driven advice and research in order to contribute to closing the plastics cycle.

We keep our mission in mind with everything we do: Making plastic waste 100% recyclable. Thus, not throwing away or burning plastics, but sustainably reusing them in their original application or in another sustainable manner. We have deliberately chosen for an independent role in order to realise our mission, because as a result of our independency we are accessible for every organisation and cooperate with all stakeholders within the circular plastic value chain.

Accelerate circular goals

The NTCP has been established towards the end of 2018 in order to accelerate the circular objectives for plastics. The government, the province of Fryslân and the Packaging Waste Fund have contributed to the realisation of the test centre.

As a result of our test facility for the sorting and washing process of plastics on a pilot scale, the NTCP is the first test centre which is representative for large-scale industrial installations. The practical tests and experiments with real waste streams result in a continuous data collection that helps stakeholders and principals from the chain to accelerate their circular objectives.

We have linked our own objectives to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. With our activities, we contribute to the realisation of:



Recycled plastic packaging kilotons 2018

Why plastics require determined action

Plastic is an excellent packaging material: it is light, strong, lasts a long time and preserves food for a long time. It exists in countless forms, sizes, colours and flexibility. Exactly its diversity is the reason why it is so difficult to sort and recycle plastic packaging from household waste correctly.

PlasticsEurope reported that in the Netherlands 1994 kilotons of plastic products were used in 2018, of which 601 kilotons are packaging materials. Of the close to 2000 kilotons of plastics, 927 kilotons have been collected from consumers and the industry, of which 316 kilotons (35%) have been allocated to be recycled. Altogether, 48 kilotons of packaging materials have been made of recyclate. This comes down to 8% of all packaging materials!

This is exactly why the NTCP has been founded: this must can and be done better!

Plastic Pact

In 2019, 75 parties signed the Plastic Pact NL, including the NTCP. The pact points out the goals for the situation in 2025. In a nutshell, the parties have committed themselves to using less plastic, to reusing more plastic (using more recycled plastic in their products), to recycle more and to make all new plastic 100% recyclable. In this way, we handle our raw materials better and we have less impact on the environment. Many European countries have also signed a Plastic Pact. The NTCP supports Dutch and foreign organizations in achieving their objectives.


Please contact us. We gladly tell you more!
